Saturday, October 24, 2009

The RZA on NPR

Seven minutes of an interview with the RZA is not sufficient. This dude is fascinating. The interviewer asked great questions but had no time for follow-up. They went from question to question. I really would like to know what principles he has included in the book. Where he is musically now? What does he think about the current lyrical state of popular hip hop? Does he think about this? How has composing for film changed his approach to making music?

I would have loved for them to sit with the lyrics to “Triumph”:

I bomb atomically,
Socrates' philosophiesand hypothesis can't define how I be droppin thesemockeries, lyrically perform armed robbery

The Wu definitely has some ill lyricists. This is just an ill way to say you destroy someone with the mic.

I miss these types of lyrics.

Here’s the interview:

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